Many people need a stimulant to energize them in the morning to start their day off.. Caffeine being a widely used psychoactive drug,is the stimulant of choice for the majority of Americans on a daily basis. Caffeine is found naturally in coffee, tea, chocolate, and is included in soft drinks and energy drinks. Consuming these effects the Central Nervous System (CNS) and enhances alertness, awareness and wakefulness by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure thereby increasing endurance and productivity. These enhancements to the human body is a significant reason many people consume a stimulant in the early mornings before going to work or school. Although caffeine doesn’t cause much harm to the body it has been proven there is a danger of mixing it with alcohol.“Drinks combining high levels of caffeine and alcohol have been linked to alcohol poisoning, car accidents and assaults. The caffeine does not make drinkers less intoxicated or impaired; it merely makes them feel that way” (San Francisco Chronicle). Caffeine is not classified as a dangerous drug, but there are many other stimulants that are used for the same reasons as caffeine and are very detrimental to one’s health.
Cocaine is the most potent stimulant of natural origin and is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine is used in medical practices as an anesthetic for eyes, ears, nose, and throat surgery. Cocaine is mostly use for recreational purposes and is highly abused. There are different forms of cocaine: white crystalline powder cocaine, which is snorted or injected and rock cocaine also known as “crack,” which is smoked. Inhaling causes effects to be immediate, intense, and quickly over. It creates an initial sense of euphoria, restlessness, excitement, illusions of increased mental alertness and followed by depression. “Long term effects of cocaine include irregular heartbeat, heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes and seizures. Snorting cocaine can cause nosebleeds, lost of smell, and problems swallowing. Ingesting can cause severe bowel gangrene from the lack of blood to the intestines. “Injecting can increase risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases” (L.J. Siegel and B.C. Welsh, Juvenile Delinquency. 2009). Since the drug effect the circulatory and respiratory systems overdoses can be fatal.
Methamphetamine is the most widely abused stimulant with a high abuse potential.
Methamphetamine is medically used to control depression, appetite control, for the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and treatment of narcolepsy. It is similar to cocaine because it gives the user a euphoric effect, but it is longer lasting. Although the effects depend on characteristics such as who is using the drug, route of administration, and how much is used, methamphetamine normally has a more pronounced effect on the CNS than cocaine. Smoking or injecting Methamphetamine results in an immediate, intense rush that lasts a few minutes and is extremely pleasurable. Snorting it produces euphoria with no intense rush within five minutes of ingestion. Oral ingestion produces the same effects as snorting, but takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to take effect. “Long term effects may lead to malnutrition, skin disorders, ulcers, and diseases resulting from vitamin deficiencies” (L.J. Siegel and B.C. Welsh, Juvenile Delinquency. 2009). It also put users at risk for HIV/AIDS and cardiovascular diseases Frequent use can result in mental illness, the urge to commit suicide and violent death due to the “superman syndrome,” in which one perception of reality is distorted and they attempt to perform tasks they are humanly incapable of performing. Other effects can include hallucination, disorganized lifestyle, violent behavior, psychological problems, lowered resistance to illnesses, and brain damage.
It is important to know when one is under the influence of a certain stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine for their safety as well as others. Stimulants are tempting to begin taking, especially for students and those with demanding jobs, who feel like there is not enough hours in the day. They can begin to take it to counteract fatigue throughout the day, reduce sleepiness, decrease appetite and lose weight, improve their concentration, focus and even treat depression. Stimulants may help them to accomplish this, but it may also deter the health or become fatal.
White Crystalline Powder Cocaine
Rock or "Crack" Cocaine
Crystal Meth
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